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Issue 3, The WET Issue

Issue 3, The WET Issue

Iconography the Magazine will be stripping down to its skin as the publication celebrates its 1yr anniversary with the release of the “Naked” issue. The fall/winter anniversary issue will be one of the most talked about. This issue we make skin fashionable. We will celebrate the body as well as fashion. You will see just how fashionable skin is. As we go forward into the New Year we plan to make the “Naked” issue not just an annual issue but an annual event.” Aaron Williams – Editor In Chief. Iconography the Magazine’s popularity grows with every new quarterly issue that is released. The Fall/Winter “Naked” issue of Iconography will feature coverage from Mercedes-Benz Fashion Week, photo editorials from Stephanie Matthews (cover), Nikki Brown, and Joao Carlos of Milkman Studios. Our features editor gets an exclusive interview with Miss Jay of America’s Next Top Model. Read and Comment

Did you know that Iconography was now available in print!


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