Submission deadline January 31, 2010. Click here to read more about The Color Issue.
All submissions must be submitted electronically: submissions@iconographythemagazine.com
PLEASE NOTE: Your submission DOES NOT guarantee that your work will be published.
PHOTOGRAPHERS: Pictorial submissions should be at least 10 images. If your story is selected we will pick the best 5-6 images and request the high-resolution jpeg images. Any other format will not be accepted.
JOURNALISTS: There is no word or size limit to submissions. It should however be related to fashion, appropriate, concise, influential, and easy to read. The finished article should be proofed and submitted via email in a word document. Please save your document as “Article Title : Author’s Name”. Be sure to attach photographs with your submission. All images submitted must be 300 dpi and saved as a high-resolution jpeg image. Remember to include the appropriate credits for all images. Any other formats will not be accepted.
PLEASE NOTE: All contributors are asked to include a photograph (up to 8 ½ x 11) of yourself, or another image to represent yourself for our Contributors page. Please include a bio of 100 words or less about yourself.
By submitting your work you certify that the entry is your own original work. It is the submitter’s responsibility that all copyright permissions are gained for republication prior to the submission. You must hold model releases for images of people. By submitting your work for consideration, you give Iconography permission to publish your work for an indefinite period of time. You will retain all copyrights and we will post this notice with your work. Iconography is not responsible for copyright violations or misuse by others.
Iconography may take several weeks to respond to unsolicited submissions or inquiries. This is not a reflection of our evaluation. We value each submission and they will be reviewed as we receive them.