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In his world all he needs is a “mic and a piano and he’ll handle the rest.” Lance Drummonds is killing the world softly with his soulfully melodic voice kismet in passionate lyrics that speak of time and space. And did we mention, his undeniable style. . .the kid is fresh. A newcomer to the music scene never looked so good and sounded so sweet.
Lance Drummonds may be the new kid on the block, but he’s got a great big voice to match, and we’re captivated. Iconography kicks it with the young man with the vintage voice, and discusses the method behind his music, how he would “dougie for love,” and why he plans to stay home this summer with the air conditioner on and clothes off. You Ready?
Let’s go back in time. . . Tell me about your life, and how you grew up.
I was born in Brooklyn, but was raised in Long Island. And I want to emphasize that I am from Elmont, Long Island New York; because Long Island rarely gets any love from New Yorkers. So with that being said, I am Jamaican and Guyanese so I love the serenity of the beach, the messages of Bob Marley, and Ackee and Salt fish.
So, when did your love affair with music begin?
My love affair with music began when my mother sat me in front of the television and played “Moonwalker,” the Compilation/feature film of the late great legend, Michael Jackson. I was captivated by his moves, his connection to the crowd, and his overall energy. My love for music began to grow as I listened to songs my mother played in the car as she drove me to elementary school. Songs like “Never Felt this way,” by Brian McKnight and popular 80’s hits; were always on heavy rotation, and I knew then that music was it for me.
Let’s talk about your groundbreaking album, Time and Space. What was your method when creating this album?
There wasn’t necessarily a “method” but more an organic creation based off of what was going on in my life and the life of a few people around me. Time and Space is about the journey from one relationship to another, and the space you need from the first relationship in order to successfully enter the second. It is more of a therapeutic piece of art more than an “album,” because it was born out of my current reality and served as a refuge. So the songs were created after an emotional high or low. First, they would come to me with a melody, and then I would go to my piano and compose them around a melody. Then I would collaborate with Old Money on the lyrics. Life definitely inspired this album and helped with its method.
What was the most meaningful song on your album? And why?
“Share My Heart Again,” is the most meaningful song on my album because it has so much passion regarding love, and if you know me, you know I am a proponent of both the highs and lows of love. And although this song speaks to the fear and lows of love, the tranquility it may bring to someone who is suffering from the pain of heartbreak brings me great happiness. This song has connected the most with listeners simply because it speaks to something everyone has experienced.
As a new artist, it’s hard to know what to expect, people either love you or they hate you. What’s the response been like to your album?
Fantastic! It is currently on Pandora’s rotation. It has been featured on Napster, reviewed by iTunes, SoulBounce, Soul Traxx, and has been featured on over 20 other blogs. My record definitely connects with the everyday music lover.
How would you describe your personal style, and your style as a musician?
My personal style is something I like to call, “good enough for your daughter.” A mix between trendy to keep her interested, but sophisticated enough to impress her pops. (Laughs) My style as a musician is a reflection of my personality which is outgoing.
If we were to peak inside your closet, what would we find in there?
You would find a mix of business suits and shirts from Ralph Lauren, Boss, juxtaposed between items from Uniqlo, Zara, and other random shops in Soho NY.
Who are your fave designers?
I don’t have a favorite designer right now, but the collections from Zara and Uniqlo ALWAYS satisfy my taste.
What’s your number one fashion covet?
Watches. I have gone out of my budget a NUMBER of times to ensure that I get the right type of watch. Yeah, I have issues…
What trends are on your radar for the summer; and what are some must have trends that should be on every gent’s radar this summer?
Nudity. (Laughs) Let’s be real, I plan to stay home with the air conditioner on and clothes off. If I do go out, whatever I feel like wearing I wear; such as v-neck tee’s and boat shoes. I like to keep it simple and effective, but if I could walk around naked, I would all day. FREEDOM! (Laughs)
If you could style a woman from head to toe, what would she look like?
I have mad jokes on my blog that Ameriie, pre blonde madness, was “Mrs. Drummonds.” Her style, her edge, and her beauty; are definitely what I would emulate if I were styling a woman.
Are you single, and ready to mingle, or taken for life?
Single and ready to Mingle! “Taken for life,” nah. . . (Laughs)
What qualities do you look for in your ideal woman?
Well first off, I have to have some sort of attraction to her physically. Yes, I am a man who is attracted by a beautiful smile or a beautiful set of eyes, but her physical traits aren’t the only qualities I look for. Her sense of humor is just as important. Her drive for reaching career milestones is just as attractive as her physical qualities. But all in all, her connection to me has to be as organic as the soil of the earth. It should never feel forced, and it should be as fruitful as the earth.
I like that. You got swag. (Laughs)
Thank you! (Laughs)
So, what’s been the highlight of your career thus far?
My highlight thus far has been performing at SOBs for the Michael Jackson Tribute show sponsored by SoulBounce. It was an honor to perform “Human Nature,” and it was also a privilege to perform on the legendary SOB stage.
You’re a musician, songwriter, and blogger; you do so much. How do you find balance in your life?
A blackberry, a manager, and an AMAZING team, help every aspect of my music career, and enable me to find balance. But the days in between shows, studio sessions, interviews, meetings, and all other music related activities; I simply sit down and vegetate on Netflix. I do nothing but just sit, lie, and nap on my couch while catching up with my favorite movies and TV shows.
What’s the craziest thing you’ve ever done for love?
I taped myself dancing the dougie. I will speak no further on the matter! (Laughs)
What gives your life meaning?
My reputation is what drives me. Respect from my peers is what I strive for; and as an artist, I just want to be understood and heard. But overall, what give meaning to my life is the connection I have with the various audiences I perform for. My overall purpose is to inspire, create, and connect.
Follow Lance Drummonds on Twitter: @LDrummonds
Follow Eboyne’ Jackson, Our Editor-at-Large on Twitter: @QueenofMedia