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The New Black


White Girls Dipped in Chocolate

The Colour of Beauty is a short documentary that explores racism in the fashion industry. Much or all of what is said in this documentary is true but not surprising. Things are better than they have ever been but there’s only room for one or two black models at a time. Some designers are making a stand and casting more black models and even plus models but what will it take to change this?

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  1. I am working on another piece soon. I did actually do more research about “the buying power of African Americans”. It’s said to reach in the trillions by 2012.

  2. Chazzie Hyman says:

    I enjoyed the story that you did about black models; it was mentioned that the demographics of the customers were unknown and there was a question about black consumers existing behind the sales. So I am asking all black consumer’s when you swipe your card to write on your sales receipt that the company’s record that you are a black consumer, and all other races that feel that they are not being represented in the media and fashion industry. Let’s send a clear message that we are not going to tolerate being ignored any longer. Put the power behind your dollars.
    Chazzie Hyman

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